Friday, July 27, 2012

Up and Down

Well, just when you think the ups and downs of adoption are over - it comes back in full force.  Yes, we are very, very close (I cannot complain about that).  I was just expecting to get his EP approval around June 25, 26, or 27 at the latest.  Appears all have come and gone with no approval :-(

Needless to say, I'm pretty bummed and trying to stay positive that this is almost over - just relax and trust God with it, he hasn't let me down yet!

On an up note, we got an awesome lady to assist us with travel once we know when we are going (she deals in mission trips and adoption - couldn't be happier with who we have, she comes highly recommended).  Such a blessing to find her! 

We did do some awesome shopping the last few days.  One thing we still needed was a large check-in bag for our flight so we can get his stuff home and take extra items and gifts.  I had been looking around but nothing stood out as an amazing deal.  When I got a 40% off e-mail off already reduced items from Stein Mart, I figured go see what they have.  As we walked in, there it was.  A large red rolling bag.  We got 75% off which made that bag less than $40 tax and all - yippy!!!  I have already started to pack the check in bag (whatever the hubby needs to pack is all that is left) - we are ready to leave!

Also, Jacob celebrated his 2nd birthday yesterday - Happy Birthday little guy!  I am in party planning mode as we speak.  Already planning on what to get him once we arrive in Korea for both his birthday and Christmas (with a trip to Lotte World's big Toys R Us store).  It will not be a big party - just Mom, Dad, sister, and brother.  Following that in the next few months, two Welcome Home Jacob parties once he is comfortable with us (those should be exciting and fun - 1 will be an 80s party by our church and the other will be by my husband's awesome family)!

Anyway, guess I'm off to get my errands for the day finished.

UPDATE!!!  Just when I hit publish on this post....  EP APPROVED!!!  YIPPY!!!  We should leave for Korea in 1 to 3 weeks!!!!  We are coming to get you little guy...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Preparing for Jacob's Arrival

Over the past little over 2 weeks, I've been preparing for Jacob's arrival.  The following has been accomplished:
-purchased a baby carrier
-purchased a new car seat cover
-packed his bag (diapers, clothes, wipes, snacks, etc)
-packed my bag for the trip
-purchase gifts for the trip (gifts for foster mom, gifts for foster mom's mom who lives with her, gifts for his social worker in Korea, and cards)
-get stuff together for our check-in bag
-finish up his welcome home (including his name on the wall like our other children)

Needless to say, I've been a busy, busy girl who can't wait to go and welcome him home...  Finally - we are almost there (not long now)...  Anyway, we as you will notice the chipin is gone on the side of our blog.  God came through once again with money we didn't know and was not suppose to be coming anytime soon.  No joke, money kind of appeared on our door step (just enough for finish paying for the trip).  He is so good to us - it has been unbelievable through this journey.

On another side note, my husband's family is amazing.  One of his sisters came down this weekend to give us a much needed break and allow me to do some last minute shopping before our trip.  The highlight of her being here was allowing me to take a much needed rest and get a date night with my husband (we haven't had one in a long time).  We also got a wonderful e-mail detailing how his family would love to do a welcome home party for Jacob in a few months (once he is use to us).  This party would be to introduce him to the family (they are going to have people bring food donations for the local food bank instead of gifts).  I cried and cried while reading this e-mail - just due to all the support and love from his family (it is amazing how they even love this little guy too).  Please continue to pray that we get wonderful EP approval news this week with a travel call not far to follow (pray before school starts)!  More to come soon.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I am experiencing all kinds of emotions right now.  We are almost 2 weeks into Jacob's EP being submitted and we hope and pray that next Wed. we will hear his EP has been approved (that would be sweet news)!!!  At the latest, please let it be his 2nd birthday (what a birthday present for our little guy).  I'm really praying that he will have no stranger anxiety and will love us and except us as his parents (that would be amazing - and it does happen).

I am in shock too as to how this is all playing out.  After talking to a sweet friend last night who has a child who goes to a school in this area, they start around August 7.  Good news for us is that we don't start till August 20th (and it is a phase in week for Kindergarten) - in other words, appears that we will get to leave before school starts (which would take a lot off my mind). 

For now I am enjoying my other 2 kids before Jacob arrives.  Can't believe all that we are about to face - school for our daughter, preK for our son, and bringing Jacob home to his forever family (it's a lot - but we can't wait).  Please continue to pray for us as we become a family of 5.  We will have our little guy a private 2nd birthday party when he comes home (it will not have been that long hopefully since he turned 2).  Can't wait!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Attachment/Bonding (friends and family)

I hadn't thought about putting this on my blog, but another fellow blogger had done this and I think it is a great place to put this info at - the Attachment/Bonding info (this is huge - and we will need your help)...  I have took from her some of what she posted and edited it (thank you for posting this).  Here are our expectations so friends and family can help us successfully become a family of 5!
  • We know everyone is excited to see us and we are excited to see everyone too but we have waited a LONG time to become a family of five and to hold our son so if you could hang on tight just a couple more weeks and let us learn how to be a family we would sooo appreciate it!! We are really good at waiting so we know you can do it!
  • We would love to have family and friends meet us at the airport for a little meet and greet.  Then we plan to go home as a family of 5!
  • Our goal is for him to learn that we are his family, this is his home, that we are not going to leave him. We want him to know that we are his safe place. 
  • We may make a quick trip to out to the grocery, shopping centers, or other places, but don't think that we are ready to open the flood gates.  At stores no one is there to interact with us, more specifically him.  We will be able to wear him in the carrier and keep his world small.  
  • We need to remember that WE as his parents are his attachment/bonding experts.  What you see in outside world is not necessarily what is actually happening at home.   Even if we have a happy outgoing kid when you see us, still be careful and remember all the attachment 101 stuff because you don't know how it will affect him and what the repercussions are at home later or at night.
  • I wish that adoption/bonding/attachment had a formula that we could predict but it doesn't so we just have to follow our instincts and trust what we feel is best for us at the time. (believe me, we question everything and second guess ourselves but we need to remember to go with our gut)  We may have to take steps backwards at times but we will get there.  Be patient because believe me when we get there its awesome!!
  • There is a HUGE difference between being bonded to us and being attached to us.  Jacob will hopefully bond to us fairly quickly and know that we are his Omma and Appa.  Attachment can take a long time and is a up and down process.  But we will get there!
Thanks Claire's Mommy for posting this - it reminded me that I needed to do the same (and I loved what you had posted).  This is a very hard topic, but the reality is that an adopted child is different from a biological child (everyone wants to pass the baby - this cannot happen with Jacob for awhile).  As said before, please be patient with us and him (we will get there)!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lot's to Do...

So much to do - so little time to get it all done, I hope and pray...  :-)

As of now, I have all my gifts purchased, purchased necessities for Jacob's diaper bag (like diapers - something I haven't had to buy in a long time), thinking through childcare for our other 2 children, and finishing our travel plans.  Knowing me and my, "get it done attitude," I'll have our bags packed and ready to go for when that travel call comes.  I've already planned what we are going to do when we get there and when - can you tell I'm type A)...  Anyway, this is all very exciting and can't wait to go get our little guy.

Right now I'm trying to fill my days with enjoying my husband and my other 2 kids (just like we did with each new addition to our family).  We went to see Madagascar 3 as a family a few weeks ago (was so fun - both kids loved it) and my husband and I are going to try to get a weekend away soon (just the 2 of us - somewhere cheap but fun).  I've also been spending more 1 on 1 time with each child.  Like my daughter got her ears pierced recently and we went for a girls day out - so much fun!!!  My son and I went to Chuckee Cheese for his day out and a few weeks ago me and both kids went to the movies to see Kung Fu Panda.  So many memories.

With the addition of a new little one, it is always a worry will I still get out and about like I did before?  I may be just too positive, but I really think Jacob will just learn to go with the flow.  Like someone told me, if I let 1 child keep me inside, then 2 would do the same - but that isn't how I'm wired (I have to get out and about).  When I went from 1 to 2 my mom kept telling me, "Now you won't go anywhere anymore - things are about to change."  Guess what, I learned how to get around with 2 within a week - no problems (and that was after a c-section).  So, yes, 3 will be different and I'm trying to figure it out already.  We will survive - we always have (you do what you have to do to get by daily).  I pray Jacob will not grieve too long and be a easy baby (please pray this with me).  I have 2 other children in school this fall - so he will have to at least get out with me to take them to school and to the grocery (we can't starve)...  :-)  I have a pack for him already that he can ride comfortably with me on my chest or back.

More to come - can't wait till we get the approval call (Jacob - we are thinking about you daily and we love you so much).  God meant for you to be in our family and we can't wait to bring you home.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

EP Submitted!

The news we have been waiting for...  Jacob's EP was submitted (got the call 7:30am this morning from our amazing Social Worker - Jill Taylor)!  Still trying to process all this and now is time to get prepared to travel (Watch out Seoul - here we come)!!!

God is amazing - looks like he heard our prayers and Jacob will probably come home before school starts here (I give all glory to God in this because we had been told more like September and I was guessing October)!!!  Wow is all I can say!!!  More to come later as I prepare - will keep you posted.  Jacob, Mommy and Daddy will be there soon.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Anxious Waiting!!!

Well, July 3 came and went with no news on an EP for our little guy.  I was bummed and knew with the 4th that we probably wouldn't hear anything then.  I did stay very close to my phone and all info on the FB groups I am in and didn't see anything until a little while ago.  Really good news!!!  So excited and anxious, but it appears we should get a call tomorrow about his EP being submitted because batch 5 for Eastern was submitted on July 3 (like I thought it would be).  It is happening - really happening!!!  Unbelievable!!!  I just cannot express how excited I am for the phone to ring.  What a wonderful 4th of July!  Now I get to glue myself to my phone and wait for it to ring (come on phone, ring, ring, ring)!!!  The really cool thing is that if all goes as it should we will get to leave and return before school starts (which would be huge for our childcare situation with our other 2 kids)!  Either way, childcare has been taken care of by my husband's amazing family (thank you so much).  We don't know what we would do without you guys (you are awesome).

Will post again once the EP call has been made (hopefully tomorrow)...  :-)