Well, you can imagine the shock and disbelief when I opened my mailbox yesterday to a rejected I-600A. After I picked myself off the floor I read the reason and almost died. It said due to no check being sent. I checked to see if this was the missing I-600A but it wasn't so next call was to our social worker.
You will love the next comment from our social worker. "Oh, there was a new person in the office who was excited to send out the FEDex docs and she forgot to mail the check so I just resent everything with the check that same day." Oh fun... I need to check, but I pray they paid for their mistake with the FEDex bill. So now what do you do - you have an acceptance letter and a rejection letter (which is correct and did one cancel the other). So, here we go again with a call to the government. Good news, apparently the one with the check is still good and all is okay.
So, after all the fear of that being messed up again, we are back on track. My comment to anyone adopting, just be prepared for the ups and downs (it's a rollercoaster ride, but I have no doubt the ride will be worth it in the end). God has lead us to Jacob and he makes no mistakes - so we trust Him with our entire journey.
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