Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Finally Final

Today we went before a judge and Jacob's adoption was finalized!  It was such a great day - Jacob had on a suit (he looked so cute).  We had a few really good friends join us in court who helped with pictures and entertaining Jacob.  The entire process took maybe 10 minutes and then everything was finished.

So what is next you say...  Well, now we wait on his new birth certificate and adoption decree to come back then we can apply for his certificate of citizenship and social security number.  Can't believe we began this process 22 months ago and now he is officially a Hogue.

I don't think he knew what was going on, but we will have pictures to show him when he is older and we did have a flag flown over the US capitol today in honor of this day (he will also have that as a reminder).  Such a special day and so glad that is behind us...

 Jacob hanging out with Mr. Derek

Jacob trying to share his Korean snacks with the Judge (don't think he is interested) 

Jacob with the Judge and Mommy and Daddy

Everyone who was there

Friday, March 8, 2013

6 Months Home

Well, yesterday marked 6 months that Jacob came home with my husband and I and we officially became a family of 5!  I cannot express how this little guy has changed our lives and those who get to meet him.  He has melted so many hearts.  Such a sweet, kind, loving kid.  He loves to be cuddled.  Yes, he still does not like being told no, but it is less dramatic.  He is learning to get what he wants by using his manners instead of tantrums.  He still loves to follow his brother and repeat what he says (so his English is amazing and his understanding of the language).  The really awesome thing is that he still knows Korean too!  He is just an overall joy and I can't imagine life without him.  So glad God put Jacob in our family (he fits so well - it is amazing)...

Later this month we go to court to finalize everything and make Jacob not only officially a member of our family, but also a US Citizen.  We are so excited for our little guy.  We are having a US flag flown over the US capitol in honor of his citizenship day and can't wait to hold onto the flag and certificate and explain the significance of that day to him.  You can count on us to celebrate this day with friends and family - it will be a great day!

More pictures to come and info once that day is here.  Such an exciting time in our house.

 Someone wants to be like Daddy...

Enjoying his brother and sister with some fun Batman figures